北京诺为生物技术有限公司(NovoBiotechnology Co., Ltd.)是一家集研发、生产、营销于一体,服务于干细胞和免疫学研究,产品覆盖细胞分选、细胞培养、细胞分析、干细胞和免疫细胞功能检测等领域的高新技术服务企业。公司在北京、天津、山东设有办事处和研发生产中心。诺为生物秉承“质量第一,服务专业”的经营理念,以专业的眼光审视和引进“新产品,新技术”服务科学研究;以“发展和壮大中国生命科学产业”为使命,为广大生命科学工作者创造一流的科研成果提供强有力的服务支撑体系。
Do what you love and enjoy your life!
NovoBiotechnology Co., Ltd. established in 2013, is a distributor of unique life science research products, providing customers with the latest innovations for stem cell research. The headquarters is located in Beijing, China.
We focus on providing stem cell, immunology and cancer research related instruments, reagents and technical services to scientists. Currently, the company is the authorized distributor of STEMCELL Technologies Inc., (Canada), whose products including magnetic beads for sorting cells, culture medium and cytokines. We also provide the customer with the molecular reagents and flow antibodies. With an emphasis on solutions for Stem cell, immunology and cancer research, our portfolio includes a remarkable range of products and services to help scientists advance their important research programs.
Suppliers: NovoBiotechnology is always assessing new sources of quality products, services and instruments for our customers. If your company can offer this and you would like to discuss the potential of China market development by NovoBiotechnology, please contact us: